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Moscow Essential Guide

Essential Guide

Everything you need to know to prepare for a trip to Moscow…

Moscow is a destination where it definitely pays to come prepared. Careful planning can make the all the difference, so follow the advice below and you'll be able to relax and enjoy a hassle-free stay in this fascinating city.

Seasons in Moscow When to come and what to wear
Of course Moscow has enough attractions to draw visitors year-round, but it's worth bearing in mind the weather conditions and the type of holiday you want before you fix a date for your trip… ›››

Russian visas Russian visas
Whatever the purpose of your visit, you'll need a visa to enter Russia. Our guide will help make getting one a pain-free experience. ›››

Arrivals Arrivals
By plane, by boat, by train - however you plan to travel to Moscow, find out here where you'll end up and how to get from there to your hotel. ›››

Customs Customs and other formalities
Ensure you have no trouble at the airport. Check here to find out what you can and can't bring in to Russia or take home at the end of your stay. ›››

Money in Moscow Money
Ignore the myths about money in Russia, and check here for our recommendations on how to get hold of your cash and keep it safe. ›››

Health in Moscow Health and insurance
There's nothing worse than falling sick on holiday. But, if it does happen, you want to be sure you'll be well looked after. ›››

Police and crime in Moscow Police and crime
As in any big city, crime in Moscow can be a problem. Take a few simple precautions to minimize the risk. ›››

Embassies in Moscow Embassies
Where to find your fellow countrymen in Russia's capital. ›››

Travelers resources Travelers' resources
There's a wealth of resources available for travelers to Moscow, both pre-departure and once you arrive, in print and on the internet… ›››

Communications Communications
All you need to know to stay in touch with those back home and make calls within the city. ›››

City transport in Moscow City transport
Moscow is a vast metropolis, and to take full advantage of the sightseeing opportunities you'll almost certainly be obliged to use the city's complex but efficient public transport. Find out more here… ›››

Disabled travelers Disabled travelers
Moscow is not the easiest destination for travelers with disabilities, but with a bit of effort everyone should be able to enjoy this amazing city. ›››
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